Thursday, 19 May 2011

My journey to Homebirth

It was my daughter's 2nd birthday a couple of days ago so naturally I have been very reminiscent about the journey that lead me to her birth.
My first daughter was born in the hospital, and although I loved her birth, as soon as I fell pregnant with Rori I knew I wanted a Homebirth.
To me it just made sense. I was not sick, I had a 'low-risk' pregnancy and I KNEW I could birth my baby as I'd done it once before.
I had wanted a water birth with my first but it was not hospital policy and the birth suite I was allocated did not even have a bath to labour in.
This time the ball was in my court. I would have my water birth, I would not have to get in the car and travel to the hospital while in established labour, and I would have continuity of care with my support team.
Some very dear friends of mine had birthed both of their babies at home (actually one was in a double-decker bus) with some really lovely independent midwives from a group called Midwives Naturally. I had met one of the midwives Helen after the birth of their second child and had felt a real motherly warmth about her. I knew this was the woman I wanted to guide and support me through the pregnancy and birth of my second daughter.

Legally it was neccessary to hire a secondary midwife to have present at the birth. If anything were to go wrong there would be one professional for each the mother and baby. I knew Nicola was the right choice for me. She came on high recommendation from my friends and others that had birthed with her. She and Helen were so in sync with one another that there was no need for words to communicate when they worked together during a birth.

From the very beginning I noticed a real difference in the care I received during my pregnancy to what it had been through the public system. Don't get me wrong, I met some really lovely midwives through the public system during my first pregnancy, but I never saw the same person more than once.
This time round Helen would come and visit me in my own home. We'd sit and drink tea while we chatted for an hour or more, do the usual check of blood pressure, address any concerns and listen to bubba's heartbeat.
I began to feel really safe and confident not only in my body's ability to birth my baby beautifully, but in the ability of my midwives to support me and my family through our birthing journey with their amazing experience, knowledge and wisdom when it came to birthing women. These were people who really loved their job. They trusted birth, they trusted me, and most importantly of all they genuinely cared for the safety and security of me and my baby.
We had a sit down night with moth midwives and my birth support team where we went through all the different situations that could possibly arise during the birth, what our choices would be in dealing with them, and how we would go about it.
I felt so respected and 'heard'. My feelings, choices and wishes really did matter. It also really gave me peace of mind that my midwives would be totally honest with me if they thought a transfer to hospital were neccessary.
We booked in at the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne as they were happy to be back up to a homebirth! They received a copy of all my records, test results and ultrasounds during my pregnancy, so if it were necessary for me to go there no time would be wasted trying to assess my pregnancy history, blood type etc
We made sure I had ambulance cover and a car with a full tank of petrol and baby seat installed. We left nothing uncovered.
The ease and comfort of birthing my daughter at home, in my own territory, with my wishes and safety held at the most importance, was by far the most empowering and fulfilling thing I have ever done.
I felt safe, connected, respected, loved and supported by everyone present.Looking back and analysing the differences between my hospital and homebirth has given me a greater awareness as to WHY it worked so well for me.
I developed a real relationship with these women and therefore felt totally safe and comfortable to birth in their presence. They came to my home for all my visits during my pregnancy, birth and after my daughter was born. They knew me personally, my strengths and weaknesses, and I believe this gave them an advantage to really be able to read me and know how my birth was progressing without having to interfere. I was protected from the cascade of possibly unnecessary interventions that were routine at most hospital birthing units. There was no rushing or feeling like I had to fit in with someone elses timetable. It felt relaxed, safe and normal. I get such warm emotions from the memories of my experience and love that I get to sleep every night in the same room I birthed my daughter in. :)  
You can read my birth story here or here on the Midwives Naturally website 

Peace and love
Quirky Mama x
While it just felt 'right' at the time, since her birth and joining the Sausage Mama community, I have even more confidence and knowledge about how I would like to birth my next baby.  I feel stronger in my beliefs regarding birthing and women's rights and I plan to become a midwife so I too can help to support women the way I was supported during my pregnancy, birth and post-natal period.

Monday, 25 April 2011

In their shoes...

As a group of parents who may or may not put ourselves under the category of 'Attachment Parents/Instinctual Parents/Aware Parents' etc, one of the things we try to do is put ourselves in our childrens shoes. To see situations through their eyes, liken it to the way they interpret the world and respond accordingly in a gentle manner. It's a very effective way to communicate with our children, as it gives us the opportunity to really understand what they may be experiencing, resulting in them feeling heard and respected and therefore making our approach more effective.

Occasionally we may forget to apply this principle to other parents we come across.
Say someone seeks our support on an issue we don't necessarily agree on, like leaving a young baby to cry in order to 'teach' them to self-settle as they've been told to do by the books or other parents. They may be struggling because it is hard for them to ignore their instincts. They so desperately want to go in and cuddle their little one, but they really want to do the best for them because they love them more than anything and have heard about all the problems that can arise if they don't implement these strategies from the get-go.

There's a chance we've been through this battle ourselves, come out the other side, and probably have very firm views on what we believe is the 'right' way to go about this. We may co-sleep, bed-share, feed to sleep, and be more than happy to meet the needs of our child during the night for the first few years of their lives! The idea of training our children at their psychological detriment purely for our convenience may by now seem ludicrous, but we need to remember that it took a journey to get to that point.
We probably researched, educated ourselves, talked to other parents, battled though sleepless nights and probably went up and down in regards to our happiness of being awake several times a night for years at a time!
It's quite possible we tried some of these gasp-worthy techniques ourselves in order to 'Save Our Sleep'. We want to change the mainstream view on these topics because what we've discovered makes so much more sense and if only every one could know this, life would be so much easier for them!

How would you feel if you yourself were at the beginning point of your journey and you asked for support only to have someone pounce on you and tell you how BAD what you're doing is? "How can you do that to your child, I feel sad for your baby" etc
My guess is pretty hurt/shocked and then more than likely defensive. You're doing what you think is the right thing to do by your baby, for their own good in the future. I mean sure, you've been finding it really hard, crying outside your baby's room as they cry desperately for you to come to them, but if you don't tough through it, you'll be failing them as a parent to teach them how to be independent, right? That's what everyone is telling you to do, it worked for them, you just must be weaker because you can't do it right.Why is this person implying you're a terrible parent for doing what you've been told to do? How dare they imply you don't love your child just because you don't do things the same way as them? What hypocrites!

Perhaps instead you put yourself out there, tell someone about your struggles and they gently respond that it's totally normal to feel that way. They reassure you and on to gently talk about how responding to their baby's cues has made life so much easier for them. Perhaps they have an older child who they parented this way, and they can assure you that your baby won't be in your bedroom till they're 23yrs old! That they eventually develop their own independence when they're psychologically mature enough too. That because their needs have always been met, they trust that you will be there for them when they need you and choose to venture out on their own, making them much more confident and secure. This leaves you with a different idea about it all. A light switch turns on in your head and you go home and research the benefits of these instinctive practices. Gradually you let go of the ideas that were so ingrained in you from the time before you even had a baby. You feel more confident in your decisions and begin to see things in a different light, alleviating a lot of the stress that was surrounding your day to day parenting, giving you more time to enjoy it. You feel grateful for the advice given and appreciate the support you've received.

The next time you're involved in a conversation where you may strongly disagree with the methods being used, try to remain objective. By marching in with all the lists of why not to do what they're doing, you're only going to make them feel attacked and they'll probably retreat and switch off to what you're saying. Try to give positive reinforcement about where they're coming from. Put yourselves in their shoes like you would your children and offer some gentle guidance in a direction you believe may be helpful to them. The name of a book or web page that supports your ideas and give them the time to come to a different place of observation about the subject. Try not to overwhelm someone with all that you've learnt in one sitting, chances are they're overwhelmed enough at the moment and just leaving a couple of pearls of wisdom for them to stew on is more than enough to help them out.

As much as we'd like to educate everyone and 'change the world', it's just not realistic.
Like the Rachel Hunter add for VO5 (you Kiwi's know what I'm talking about) "It won't happen overnight, but it will happen".
Have respect for others and you will be respected in return.

Peace & Love
quirkymama x

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Shopping Shenanigans

I find it really interesting the way we expect children to behave in shops.
Generally in our everyday lives with our children we encourage them to be hands on in their play-based learning. Whether it be outside touching flowers in the garden or giving them colourful toys to hold.
Then when we go shopping and it all changes.

Here they're expected to not touch anything, keep their hands by their sides and refrain from the excitement all the colourful displays offer.
At the supermarket for instance there are soooo many different shaped/coloured objects all around them, and huge displays built right at their visible level. It must look like one huge big toy store!!!
We all know kids learn a lot from textile contact. They pick things up, feel their texture, take in the different colours, shapes, temperatures.
Everyone else in the shop is walking around taking things off the shelves and putting them in their trolleys, yet children are tisk-tisked if they should happen to take something off the shelf? It just doesn't make much sense and must be so confusing for them! Children tend to copy what they see happening.
How do you explain to a one year old that everything they see is just to walk past and ignore, yet mummy and all the other adults in the shop are allowed to pick things up whenever they feel like it?
It's not really any wonder a lot of people say the supermarket is where the major meltdowns are inevitable!
These places are a sensory overload, and kids are expected to just sit and take it all in like "good little boys and girls" without touching anything, asking for anything, complaining it's boring, etc, etc...

I've noticed whenever I see something I like in a shop, the first thing I do is pick it up and turn it round in my hand to get a better look.
If adults are allowed to satisfy this impulse, with all the 'self-control' we've learnt over the years, then how on earth do we realistically expect our 'living in the present' impulsive children to refrain?
It's really such a shame that so many parents get stressed out, children get told off, and caregivers are judged by the 'naughty' behaviour of children, when they are so often just reacting to their circumstances instinctively.

I love the shops like Bunnings that have little trolleys for the kids. Giving them a bag or basket and allowing them to do a bit of their own shopping can make a world of difference to how your shopping trip might play out! Kids love to be involved, to follow what their 'elders' are doing and feel responsible for their own actions.
I really don't blame them for the times when it all gets too much and they lose it. Supermarkets and shopping centres are enough to make me have a meltdown with all their products, fluorescent lighting, advertising and crowds of people!!!
Thanks to those other shoppers who give me and my children a look of understanding, instead of disapproving looks and muttered comments about how "my children never behaved that way in public".
Happy shopping
quirkymama x

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Advice on receiving advice.

As soon as you announce your pregnancy it's like you've put up a sign that says "Tell me what to do".

EVERYONE will have a piece or two of advice for you. Family, friends, the lady sitting next to you on the bus!
You'll be told how to feed your baby, what to feed your baby, when to feed your baby, how to make it sleep, and so on and so forth...
Someone once told me to smile and thank them politely for their advice, then choose whether it applies to you, or chuck it away and never think of it again.
The truth is most of the advice is well meaning, whether it be evidence based, an old wives tale, or remnants of personal experience. The giver of such advice likes to be heard, to feel they've contributed something to your journey that will be of use and save you from the 'suffering' you may possibly endure without it.
It is unlikely they are aware you've been 'advised' on the same subject 4 times that day already, with all of the suggestions conflicting leaving you feeling confused and overwhelmed.
There's no escaping it. As long as that baby bump is visible or that little babe is in your arms, people are going to get involved.

Now I'm going to give you some 'advice'.
Remember that every person, child and situation is different. What works for one family may not work for you. What you did in terms of parenting one child, may be totally out of the picture when parenting your next. Nobody has all the answers, we are ALL learning, every day of our lives.
The best we can do is try to remain aware, listen to our children and follow their cues.
Listen to yourself, if you're doing something for the 'right' reasons but it feels all wrong, stop doing it. We have instincts for a reason. Ignoring them is hard, stressful, and leaves us feeling inadequate.
There's nobody secretly watching you to make sure you've followed through with their instructions on how to raise your child. Do what makes you and your family happy and the journey of parenthood a smoother one, because lets face it, it can be a bumpy road at times even though I'm sure we all agree there's nothing we'd rather be doing!

The next time you're asked if you've got that baby sleeping through like a "good baby" should be, perhaps it's an opportunity for a little gentle education as to why CIO isn't really very ideal or logical?
Or if you know it'll fall on deaf ears, you could try responding that you have a "good baby" who sleeps 12 hours every night and you're all very happy. Chances are that will be the last time you have to have that conversation with that person.
I've never actually done this, I've just changed my tone to one of proudness when I say my 22 month old sleeps in my bed and wakes for breastfeeds during the night. My enthusiasm usually leaves people looking a bit perplexed and the subject changes.
It's easier to advise someone who seems unsure about their decisions I guess. :)

Enjoy your day
quirkymama x

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

It's OK to say Yes

There seems to be an expectation in our society to say 'no' to our children when they ask us for something.
Almost an inbuilt response before we've even really listened to what the child is asking us. I guess it comes from a fear that we'll indulge our children too much, and they'll grow up to be 'slefish brats' who expect they will always get everything in life.
If not in a material sense, I think this is a good expectation for our children to have. They are worthy of having everything their heart desires! Happiness, companionship, respect.

I've realised I had a bit of this idea ingrained in me and I would find myself automatically rejecting requests without putting myself in my child's shoes and assessing the importance of their request to them.
I try now to look at the scheme of things from their point of view and make a conscious decision about what I will enable.
Saying 'yes' to my kids can be really refreshing and fun. The joy in their faces when they feel accepted and respected in making decisions is heart warming. :)
It also takes away the expectation from them that the answer will always be 'no', therefore eliminating the fear of rejection when asking a question, and helping them to ask in a much more pleasant way.
If they're already expecting a 'no' but they really want to feel heard, it is likely there will be that desperate whinging tone surrounding it.

Now I'm not suggesting every time your child asks for anything you say yes immediately, there are times (and many of them) when no is a very reasonable answer. Just have a go at really looking into a situation where you might say no out of habit, and determine whether yes could be a viable response.

The other day we bought Little R a singing Easter toy.
Every time we'd gone to the supermarket, Miss T had gone to look at them and both girls had thoroughly enjoyed playing with them in the shop. I had already decided I would get them one each for Easter, as they loved them and I don't really want to buy them chocolate.
When Daddy C was with Little R and saw how much she LOVED them, we decided we would get her one early, as they'd probably be gone by the time Easter rolled around anyway!
She was very proud and happy to bring her new toy all the way home, and to be able to push the button and make that little cow sing and dance as many times as she liked!!!
The next day Miss T was acting a bit defiant, and when prompted as to why she was acting this way, broke into sad tears and exclaimed how much she wanted one of these toys, as she was the one who initially found them. She said she was really happy Little R had one, but when she'd seen it and heard there was only one duck left (her favourite one), that she'd felt really sad and worried she would miss out.
Now in a lot of circumstances this may be approached with the old "You can't always get what you want" or "Your sister is smaller than you, you need to be a big girl" etc
These sort of responses would only cause her to feel invalidated and rejected, and when I though about it from her point of view I could see why she was feeling so heartbroken.
I hugged her and told her I could understood how she was feeling and said I would try to work something out.
She was so genuinely appreciative that I'd heard her and really validated her feelings. She immediately offered to contribute all her money box coins. So sweet.
Luckily we'd hidden the duckie and it was still there. Both the girls are getting a lot of enjoyment from their special little gifts that they usually would not have gotten just out of the blue, and the appreciation hasn't fallen away.

Next time your child asks you for something, a special keepsake or a trip to the park. Evaluate it from their point of view because sometimes it's ok to say 'yes'.
It can even be fun. :)

Till next time
quirkymama x

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Acknowledging Anger

"Anger is never without reason, but seldom with a good one."
Benjamin Franklin
Anger is a bit of a dirty word.
It's something we don't like to say, admit to, or even acknowledge.
I guess because of the nature of the emotion, it brings with it negative connotations.
Shame, denial, and grief often follow it's presence. No one feels good after feeling anger deep in their body, the heat, the tension, the rage.
But anger is very real. A valid emotion that should be recognised, accepted and moved through to a deeper place of awareness. Almost always it stems from a place of hurt or fear, at least this seems to be the case for me. It is much easier to take flight into an angry state than to face a feeling of breaking hurt. At the time anyway. It gives us an outward place to go, to release some of the pain and project onto someone else how badly this has affected you. To make them FEEL the darkness you have welling within in an attempt to shock them into helping you out of it, & sometimes this works. More often than not though you'll simply raise defensiveness in the person who's feeling attacked by your anger, sending it all into a spiral of conflict.

Then there is the inward kind of anger. The kind you feel SO strongly but do not allow others to see as you're ashamed at the pettiness of your reasoning, or you feel they're so blind to the situation that's causing this feeling in you that if you were to try and express it, your diplomacy skills would be right out the door and you'd end up looking like a jack-ass.

While the consequences of releasing your anger are rarely good, the release is so relieving. A trillion tonne weight lifted from your body.

I'm trying to have more awareness of where my anger comes from. To recognize the underlying emotions, address them, process them and let them go before it builds up too strongly. I'm also trying to allow myself to feel the beginning of that anger, to admit that I AM feeling angry and let that slip away as I come to a place of acknowledgement. This takes a lot of conscious effort, and of course there are times when I snap, give up. I'm left feeling riddled with guilt about how I reacted.
I'm also a classic case of biting my tongue, keeping my thoughts to myself and harvesting them until one day the smallest thing will bring it all undone and it all comes out. Like a crazy, ranting lunatic that really doesn't make any sense, spilling pieces of my thoughts all jumbled up in one long river of words, usually resulting in tears as the feelings are so overwhelming.

Anger is real, it is an emotion that we all feel from time to time (some more than others). As long as we bring an awareness to it and release it before we can hurt anyone with it, it can be a healthy emotion. One that guides us to look into ourselves and discover things we hold deep inside that we weren't really aware of.
So each day for the next week, and I am going to attempt to recognize this feeling approaching, to accept it, pass through it and come out the other side without projecting it onto another person. It may be a challenge as anger comes in quiet tones as well as the loud ones, you can be angry without raising your voice, the energy that comes from you is the same, it's dark and can be felt by all in your presence, partners, family, pets. What have I got to lose?

I'm going to go and make myself a cup of tea, gotta love those relaxing tannins.

Peace and love,
quirkymama x


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

8 reasons why I love co-sleeping.

The following statements are fully my opinion. This is what works best for me and my family, and I totally get why some people just can't do the whole co-sleeping thing. I'm not trying to state that this should be the way for everyone.

1. It is easy

I don't have to get up multiple times in the night, go into another room and try to keep myself awake while attempting to settle a baby/toddler who is frightened and needs their mama, so will continue to be upset until they fall asleep exhausted and traumatised.

2. It promotes a healthy and well established breastfeeding relationship

Having unhindered access to the breast, day & night, is essential for initiating & maintaining breastfeeding. Without stimulation your breasts won't know how much milk to make. It is a case of demand=supply when it comes to breastfeeding, and keeping baby away from the breast for a 12hr chunk of a 24 hr period is not going to help with the process.

3. It reduces the risk of SIDS

When done SAFELY, co-sleeping can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
The mother's breathing and movements in the bed help to remind baby to take a breath when they fall into a deep sleep.

4. It's warm and snuggly

Kids make for the best substitute to hot water bottles in the middle of a Victorian winter. It's nice to know that I'm helping keep them warm with my body heat aswell.

5. Every moment with our children is precious

Nothing beats the innocence of a sleeping child. The sound of their breath, the smell of their skin. I actually feel like I'm bonding with my girls when they're sleeping next to me.

6. It puts my mind at ease

I sleep better knowing my children are close to me, that I am right there if they should need me, and that I would awake to any potential dangers posed to them.

7. Because it feels natural

When I had Miss T, so many people told me I'd better 'break that bad habit' or she'd NEVER leave my bed. So I tried it, and it just didn't feel right, she was lonely, I was worrying about her. I was just more at ease when she was with me, and it's SO much easier to roll over without fully waking to stick a boob in her mouth and drift back into a peaceful slumber than to fully get out of the bed and feed her sitting on a chair or something.

8. Because I just love it!!!

Just found this great article regarding the research into the benefits of co-sleeping for infants.

Sleep well
quirkymama x

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Creative Capers

So ordinarily I am a bit on the "relaxed" side (my euphimism for lazy).
I'm a total dreamer who thinks of at least a thousand cool things I COULD be doing, but that's about where it ends. Call it staying true to my Libran traits, or procrastination, idealism, or just plain old 'gunna-do' syndrome.
Lately however something has just switched on inside of me. It's like someone opened me up in my sleep and said, "Oh look at that rusty old wire, it's not even connected to anything. Better rip it out and put a shiny new one in".
Talk about pro-active. At the moment I'm in the process of sanding and painting 3 sets of drawers, 3 chairs, a kids table AND my dining table! All amongst my usual innings of washing, dishes, playing with my kidlets, school trips, walking, painting cards, & stomach crunches, something I haven't even attempted for the past 8 yrs! Phew!!!
The most awesome part is I actually have more energy than I've had in a long time. This business of 'doing things' has made me feel all powerful, like I actually could do anything if I just STARTED it!

This inspired surge seems to have coincided with a shift in my body clock.
Forever I have been a morning person. I used to get up at the crack of dawn with my father to sit at the table, have a bowl of porridge and talk, then I'd go back to bed to get up with the rest of my family at the 'normal' time. (Porridge to me now is like a warm childhood memory, I feel safe and comforted whenever I eat it).
I have never been able to function late at night, if I was awake it would be in a zombie like state and I never understood how WAHP's would run the household during the day and WORK at night.

For the past 6 weeks I've been up till midnight every night with the energy to do stuff. It's my time, the house is quiet, the only sounds are of people breathing deeply in a state of peaceful sleep. I ponder, create and just be. It is great.

I have no idea where this shift has come from, it was not at all a conscious decision to alter my behavioural patterns. Something out there in this big ol' universe has decided I need a fresh change, and given me bounds of lifeful (cool word huh?) energy.

Till next time
quirkymama x

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Did I push it too far?

After reading this awesome and thought provoking post by Midwife Thinking, I've had some realisations about my birth experience with Little R.

I had a wonderful home birth experience with my second daughter and the ONLY thing I feel I would do differently next time is the 2nd stage.
I was under the belief that pushing hard over the top of your body's urges was the only way to get the baby out. After more research I am convinced that following your body’s urges, whether it be to push hard one contraction and just lightly the next, is the best and most logical way to birth our babies. Our bodies know how to gently guide our babies all the way through the first stage of labour, why then do we think we’d need to get all aggressive and force them out as soon as we feel 2nd stage urges??? It may have a lot to do with social conditioning, this is the way it’s generally depicted in movies and stories about birthing, but when you really think about it, it just doesn’t make that much sense. A baby will generally always come out even if the mother does not push at all, so responding to this stage in a way that feels natural can only benefit both mother and baby.
I also had a cervical lip (suspected as blood was entering the water on pushing, no VE’s to confirm, I find them pointless) and was advised I should breathe through the next contractions and wait for the cervix to fully dilate, I never even questioned it until reading this post.
As a result after a while I did start to question my ability to read my own body’s messages. Did I really need to push, or was my body just tricking me? Should I go with it or fight it in case the timing isn’t ‘right’? On reflection now when I did start to push, I was doubted that I was doing it right, and pushed really hard with only one thing in mind, to get the baby out fast. I think in the back of my mind I thought if I didn’t get her out quickly it would mean my body had been tricking me again and I had failed. Although my midwives didn’t direct pushing, these words were said and stuck with me through the 2nd stage “The way this works is the harder you push, the faster your baby is born”. I feel I went over the top of my natural urges to ensure this would happen so I wouldn’t disappoint anyone, and probably could've had a more enjoyable 2nd stage if I had just relaxed and followed my body's cues.
I don't regret not knowing this before my birth, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. These are just my recent reflections that I feel the need to express in order to process them fully. :)

Thanks for 'listening'
quirkymama x


Lately I've been thinking a lot about the value of acceptance.
Not the kind where you accept gifts etc  (but while we're there, accept gifts and compliments graciously, you ARE worthy of their receipt), but the kind where you remove yourself from the emotions of a situation, look at it with an objective eye and fully allow yourself to accept it.

I've been close to someone who battles with substance addictions for a long time now.
It has been a very significant part of my life, caused me a lot of hurt and anguish, guilt and resentment, and at times has completely drained my spirit.

It has taken me a long time to go through different emotional processes to get to where I am today.
I no longer take this persons addictions as a personal attack on me. I used to feel like I must not be very important to be disrespected and lied to so many times over the years. Surely if someone thought you were worthy they would never put you in this position???

The truth is nobody's perfect. (I know, we'll all heard that line before but there is truth in it).
The problem with this is, on some level, we expect perfection from others and ourselves.
This is not realistic, life is a huge bumbling journey full of times of joy, sadness, ecstasy, despair and every kind of emotion and energy under the rainbow!

While we KNOW this is the case, it is often very hard to accept things when they're not all peaches, or roses, or some other sort of floral arrangement.

Through my hurt, anger and resentment, all things I believe I needed to feel, I have come to a place of acceptance.
This person does not mean to make me feel unworthy. They are battling with a side of themselves which they do not like, but it is there. Until they have healed from their own anguish, however much they don't want to, there will be times when they slip up. When temptation is too strong and escaping feels like the option.
My place in this to to first ACCEPT this is the way. Once you can do this fully, and it does take a while, you will be released from the pain that can be attached to your circumstances.
So, once it has been accepted you need to decide what you would like to do about it.
In my case it was either cut of all ties, discard the relationship I had with this person therefore ridding the complication from my life. Or stay in their life with the acceptance that I cannot change them. However many times I'd heard the saying "You can't change someone, they have to change themselves", I knew this was true, but on some level I still thought, or maybe HOPED that I could. My influence would be so strong and powerful that everything would just fade away and never return.

I chose to stay.
It does not mean that I think it's okay, nor do I enable the addiction in any way, but I do accept that it's there, it will resurface.
In doing this it has made it easier for me to deal with the times that would usually have spun me into a whirlwind of despair.
I have removed myself from the dark side of the situation, I no longer feel the pain.
This person is trying, they are on their healing journey and the first part of that for them was accepting themselves that they had an addiction. They are also deeply sorry for the pain they have caused others and want to be living a different life.

For now I'm doing what I believe to be the right thing. That may change in the future and I'm open to that, but for now my acceptance has enabled me to let go, and the freedom is amazing.

All the best on your journey
quirkymama x

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

What on earth is happening to our Earth?!

Tsunamis, fires, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, more floods, more fires, more earthquakes...
and we all say these occurrences are a  'freak of nature'.
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with us. The way we as human parasites have dug up, torn down, fished out and polluted our Mother Earth. Destroying beautiful landscapes to build our modern, fast cities, houses that out-do the neighbours. Selling our precious pure water to large companies so they can make soft drinks out of it?

Mother Nature IS unpredictable, she is powerful and she works on her own terms, we cannot control her, but we CAN piss her off! By disrespecting all that she gives us and caring only about our personal gain. Tipping the balance of the way everything is intricately connected, throwing it all off kilter and then wondering what the hell could be going on when it all starts falling apart.

It's time to wise up, simplify, return to our roots and look after this beautiful planet we call home, before there's nothing left of it. 


Thursday, 17 February 2011

Links (places I have been "published" on the web)

Ok, so here are some links to things I have written which are available on the internet, all two of them. :)
The first is an article I wrote which is on the Barefoot Magazine blog, and the second is the link to my second daughter's birth story. I will have to track down the diary I wrote my first birth story in and type it up for you.
I am deeply passionate about pregnancy and birthing, and when Little R is ready to be without me for a few hours at a time I will begin my journey of studying to be a midwife.

I wish to gain experience and help to educate and empower women and their families throughout the pregnancy and births of their babies.
I believe a lot of the "information" and advice out there surrounding birth is fear based and disempowering. As women we are basically told that we are unable to birth our own babies without the "help" of medical teams, their interventions, harmful and mind altering drugs, tools and machines.
We are so often told of birth 'horror stories' while pregnant, and pushed into thinking that birth is an impossible, traumatic and awful experience that would be better if we could escape from it.

Unfortunately when our bodies (and minds) are interferred with before and while we are birthing, a traumatic and heavily assisted birth is often the outcome.

There IS information out there to educate yourself, and empower yourself with, you just have to know that it's worth looking for in the first place, as we all tend to trust that what is the norm, and what we are told, is the 'truth'.
We CAN birth our babies safely, calmly and easily if we are prepared with the right information, and surrounded by a supportive team of people who trust birth.
Birth is a NORMAL and natural process, as natural as sneezing or breathing.
Fear creates resistance, which creates pain.

Enough on this for now, I could go on forever, and am planning on writing a blog dedicted to birthing when I have the energy to see it through.

Peace out,
quirkymama x

Photo taken at the Homebirth Rights Rally, Sep 7th 2009, Parliament House, Canberra
Little R was tucked up underneath that scarf in her carrier, it was freakin' freezing!
Hi there!

This is my first go at doing anything along these lines, and after trying to resist this world that is so largely based around technology, I've decided to follow suit of a few inspirational blogging mamas (Sausage Mama I'm talking about you) and create a place where my thoughts can be heard. (By anyone who may be relatively interested).

To introduce myself I'll give you a quick run-down on my story up until now.

Born in NZ in 1984, Mum, Dad & me with two sisters to follow in 1987 and 1990.

Did the usual kid stuff growing up, parents seperated when I was 11, went to high school, became rebellious, (I always was and still am, very opinionated).

I left school a week into Yr 13, (Australia Yr 12 equivalent) and moved away to a magic little place between a beach and a mountain. Started waitressing, did that for a year before coming to Australia to pick fruit for 6 weeks in 2002. I never went back.

Australia is amazing, so many different landscapes on one massive big piece of land, better pay rates, more of a chilled out holiday lifestyle all year round, and SUNSHINE!!!

I kept going on the fruit picking trail with my partner (Daddy C), QLD for citrus in winter=bliss, and back down to Vic in summer to pick cherries and stone fruit.
I enjoyed this lifestyle so much, living out of a tent and a car, no bills, no commitments, working on your own terms, meeting awesome people, and travelling this beautiful country!

We fell pregnant with Miss T late 2003, it was  a surprise to say the least, I was only 19, but without a doubt THE best thing to have happened to me up to that point of my life.
I fell DEEPLY in love with pregnancy and my growing baby. Miss T was born winter of 2004 but I'll go into the birth stories another time.

Basically kept up the transient lifestyle but with a few more stabilites like a house etc up untill falling pregnant with our second daughter in 2008.

Moved to Victoria to be close to Daddy C's family as mine were all back in NZ, (with the exception of one of my sisters Sis AJ who had moved over in 2003).
We had an amazing homebirth experience with Little R in Autumn 2009 and have stayed put due to Miss T starting school last year, Grade 1 this year!!!

WOW! Tried to give you the short version, but I'm exhausted! At first I didn't think I'd have anything to write about, but there are so many places to branch off to after just this post!

Off to pick up Miss T from school, spose I better get some clothes on Little R.

Bye for now,
quirkymama x