Tuesday, 22 February 2011

What on earth is happening to our Earth?!

Tsunamis, fires, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, more floods, more fires, more earthquakes...
and we all say these occurrences are a  'freak of nature'.
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with us. The way we as human parasites have dug up, torn down, fished out and polluted our Mother Earth. Destroying beautiful landscapes to build our modern, fast cities, houses that out-do the neighbours. Selling our precious pure water to large companies so they can make soft drinks out of it?

Mother Nature IS unpredictable, she is powerful and she works on her own terms, we cannot control her, but we CAN piss her off! By disrespecting all that she gives us and caring only about our personal gain. Tipping the balance of the way everything is intricately connected, throwing it all off kilter and then wondering what the hell could be going on when it all starts falling apart.

It's time to wise up, simplify, return to our roots and look after this beautiful planet we call home, before there's nothing left of it. 


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