Thursday, 17 February 2011

Hi there!

This is my first go at doing anything along these lines, and after trying to resist this world that is so largely based around technology, I've decided to follow suit of a few inspirational blogging mamas (Sausage Mama I'm talking about you) and create a place where my thoughts can be heard. (By anyone who may be relatively interested).

To introduce myself I'll give you a quick run-down on my story up until now.

Born in NZ in 1984, Mum, Dad & me with two sisters to follow in 1987 and 1990.

Did the usual kid stuff growing up, parents seperated when I was 11, went to high school, became rebellious, (I always was and still am, very opinionated).

I left school a week into Yr 13, (Australia Yr 12 equivalent) and moved away to a magic little place between a beach and a mountain. Started waitressing, did that for a year before coming to Australia to pick fruit for 6 weeks in 2002. I never went back.

Australia is amazing, so many different landscapes on one massive big piece of land, better pay rates, more of a chilled out holiday lifestyle all year round, and SUNSHINE!!!

I kept going on the fruit picking trail with my partner (Daddy C), QLD for citrus in winter=bliss, and back down to Vic in summer to pick cherries and stone fruit.
I enjoyed this lifestyle so much, living out of a tent and a car, no bills, no commitments, working on your own terms, meeting awesome people, and travelling this beautiful country!

We fell pregnant with Miss T late 2003, it was  a surprise to say the least, I was only 19, but without a doubt THE best thing to have happened to me up to that point of my life.
I fell DEEPLY in love with pregnancy and my growing baby. Miss T was born winter of 2004 but I'll go into the birth stories another time.

Basically kept up the transient lifestyle but with a few more stabilites like a house etc up untill falling pregnant with our second daughter in 2008.

Moved to Victoria to be close to Daddy C's family as mine were all back in NZ, (with the exception of one of my sisters Sis AJ who had moved over in 2003).
We had an amazing homebirth experience with Little R in Autumn 2009 and have stayed put due to Miss T starting school last year, Grade 1 this year!!!

WOW! Tried to give you the short version, but I'm exhausted! At first I didn't think I'd have anything to write about, but there are so many places to branch off to after just this post!

Off to pick up Miss T from school, spose I better get some clothes on Little R.

Bye for now,
quirkymama x

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