1. It is easy
I don't have to get up multiple times in the night, go into another room and try to keep myself awake while attempting to settle a baby/toddler who is frightened and needs their mama, so will continue to be upset until they fall asleep exhausted and traumatised.
2. It promotes a healthy and well established breastfeeding relationship
Having unhindered access to the breast, day & night, is essential for initiating & maintaining breastfeeding. Without stimulation your breasts won't know how much milk to make. It is a case of demand=supply when it comes to breastfeeding, and keeping baby away from the breast for a 12hr chunk of a 24 hr period is not going to help with the process.
3. It reduces the risk of SIDS
When done SAFELY, co-sleeping can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
The mother's breathing and movements in the bed help to remind baby to take a breath when they fall into a deep sleep.
4. It's warm and snuggly
Kids make for the best substitute to hot water bottles in the middle of a Victorian winter. It's nice to know that I'm helping keep them warm with my body heat aswell.
5. Every moment with our children is precious
Nothing beats the innocence of a sleeping child. The sound of their breath, the smell of their skin. I actually feel like I'm bonding with my girls when they're sleeping next to me.
6. It puts my mind at ease
I sleep better knowing my children are close to me, that I am right there if they should need me, and that I would awake to any potential dangers posed to them.
7. Because it feels natural
When I had Miss T, so many people told me I'd better 'break that bad habit' or she'd NEVER leave my bed. So I tried it, and it just didn't feel right, she was lonely, I was worrying about her. I was just more at ease when she was with me, and it's SO much easier to roll over without fully waking to stick a boob in her mouth and drift back into a peaceful slumber than to fully get out of the bed and feed her sitting on a chair or something.
8. Because I just love it!!!
Sleep well
quirkymama x
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